The latest issue of Public Knowledge Journal is out, on the subject "Public Information in a Democracy." (Full disclosure: I'm the outgoing multimedia editor of the journal and have an article that appears in this issue.)
PKJ is a student-run journal at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University that seeks to "develop new knowledge and stimulate advancements in public policy, planning, public administration, governance, globalization, urban affairs and international development." The journal publishes peer-reviewed and non-peer reviewed articles and multimedia.
Articles in this issue include:
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
2.1.1 "The impact of social, economic, and demographic factors on an individual's access to e-government." by Kywaii K. Lawrence
2.1.2 "Normative legitimacy in public networked organizations: Two councils of governments as examples." by Beth S. Offenbacker
2.1.3 "The dissemination of knowledge and its problems in American democracy" — forthcoming
Book Reviews:
2.1.5 "D. A. Copeland's The media's role in defining the nation: The active voice."
Reviewed by Ashley Patriarca
2.1.6 "Andrew Bacevich's The limits of power: The end of American exceptionalism."
Reviewed by Adriana N. Seagle
2.1.7 "Donald C. Menzel's Ethics moments in government: Cases and controversies."
Reviewed by Nicole Reshel
Non Peer-Reviewed Articles:
2.1.9 "'Friending' Uncle Sam: The use of Facebook by federal agencies."
Ivey M. Glendon
2.1.10 "Pathways to success: A new initiative for first-years at Virginia Tech."
Britta Petrich
* Research in action: Interview with Carol Brandt about science engagement
Check it out by clicking here.