MuniGov 2.0 is a new initiative that explores government collaboration via technology; the group recently announced plans to establish a presence in Second Life.
According to Bill Greeves, "The concept is simple: we want to build a series of training simulators and tools that can be used, free of charge, by any member of the organization. We intend to include the basic tools (conference room, auditorium/lecture hall, etc.) But we also are working on some very basic customizable tools such as a polling center, a paramedic training simulator and the like. We even intend to build a forum for use in public meetings. This is only the beginning of what we hope will become a centralized hub of virtual world resources for all of us to share and "check out" for specific purposes within a locality."
Learn more about MuniGov and this great initiative at Bill's blog here and at the MuniGov website here.