Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wed 15 Sept Stkholder Engmt Consultants Mtg: Emotional Intellig in Consulting

The focus of our 15 September meeting is Emotional Intelligence.

We'll ask group members to complete an Emotional Intelligence online assessment on their own before the meeting.

Then at the meeting itself, facilitator Rick Raymond of Richard Raymond Associates, Inc. will lead us in a discussion about the assessment.

1. What did we learn about ourselves?
2. What are the implications for our consulting practice?
3. How might our individual results guide us in developing new business?

What is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional intelligence (EI) describes the ability, capacity, skill or ability to identify, assess, manage and control the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups. (Source:  It is made up of:
  • self-awareness
  • self-management
  • social awareness
  • relationship management
A unique aspect of emotional intelligence is that with awareness and practice one can increase their emotional intelligence competencies. Emotional intelligence, coupled with technical skills, is important in the work place, and can be especially helpful in facilitating leadership and interaction in stakeholder engagement work. Increased competencies in emotional intelligent helps reduce 'blind spots" in our interactions, and helps develop leadership competencies among stakeholders.

Participants on our calls may be familiar with emotional intelligence. Whether they are or are not, this call will help us all look at ways to benefit from emotional intelligence in our work with clients.

Meeting Details
We'll post the link to the assessment and instructions in our LinkedIn group over the next week. If you're not already a member, click here to join.

Group membership is open to anyone and there is no charge to participate in our monthly conference call meetings.

Check out the call in information and meeting details in the "Discussion" section of our LinkedIn group.

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