Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 20: Creating a Better World Roundtable on Virtual Worlds

Here's an invitation courtesy of Rik Panganiban from Global Kids about a great upcoming program in Second Life:

You are cordially invited to "Creating a Better World" a Global Kids' Roundtable on Virtual Worlds and Nonprofits on Tuesday July 20, from 12-1pm PST at the Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater ( teleport link ). Representatives of six nonprofit organizations will give brief presentations on their initial explorations of Second Life and other virtual worlds, and how they are thinking of integrating these virtual tools into their organizations' respective missions. Afterwards, there will be an open discussion about the applications of virtual worlds for various public good purposes.

The event is open to the public, with a special welcome to nonprofits, activists, educators, and developers.

Representatives of the following organizations participated in the summer 2010 session of the Virtual World Capacity Building Program:
The World Bank
Bluford Drew Jemison STEM Academy
Eurica Media Lab
Reach the World
Widener Memorial School
Center for Character and Citizenship

Each of these organizations has just completed the Virtual World Capacity Building Program, a four-week intensive exposure to virtual worlds for public good institutions. The event will be moderated by Global Kids and take place at at the Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater at the link above. For more information about the Virtual World Capacity Building Program contact Rik Panganiban at The VWCBP is supported by a grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

About Second Life
Second Life is a 3D immersive virtual world where roughly a million people from around the world communicate, share media, build 3D objects, and buy and sell virtual goods and services from each other. To participate in a Second Life virtual event, you will need a fairly recent computer and broadband access to the internet. Basic accounts are free. For more information and to get started, head to

About Global Kids
Founded in 1989, Global Kids' mission is to transform urban youth into successful students and global and community leaders by engaging them in socially dynamic, content-rich learning experiences. Through its leadership development and academic enrichment programs, Global Kids educates youth about critical international and domestic issues and promotes their engagement in civic life and the democratic process. Global Kids’ Online Leadership Program (OLP), now in its ninth year, integrates the use of social media -- from blogging to games to virtual worlds -- into GK’s innovative pedagogical approach. See for more info.
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