Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Creating Spaces for Change: Working Toward a “Story of Now” in Civic Engmt, by W.K. Kellogg Fdn

Great new report on the Institute for Local Government website from the WK Kellogg Foundation. According to the site, the "report describes areas of convergence from practitioners of “active civic engagement,” and the differences, so that the people, who advocate, support, or practice civic engagement might better understand one another and decide how to work together more effectively."

"The report draws heavily on the views and experiences of the people who participated in the Kellogg Foundation's Civic Engagement Learning Year and the conference convened by the Deliberative Democracy Consortium and The Democracy Imperative called “No Better Time: Promising Opportunities in Deliberative Democracy for Educators and Practitioners." The report looks at the discussions that occurred at those meetings, explains some of the tensions and opportunities facing this emerging field, and provides recommendations for funders and other leaders. Click here to download."
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