Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Technology Tools for P2

Earlier this year, the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy published a report entitled "Visual Tools for Planners: Representing Possibilities of Change for Places, People, Economies, and Ecosystems: A Handbook to Accompany the Visual Tools for Planners Website." The report complements the listing of visual tools that the institute has compiled on their website.

According to the report, this work focuses on the use of technology to illustrate or organize "four general ideas: the geography of physical place, the relationships and movements of individual persons and their relationships to each other in prior and newly emerging communities, the economy from individual firms to regional transformations to global disruptions, and the ecosystems (including in particular the hydrologic systems of river and coast, terrestrial and aquatic ecological communities, agricultural production landscapes, and global warming). The intent is to display relationships and change in ways that help people think systemically and creatively and to communicate across diverse perspectives of varying knowledge.
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