Monday, December 20, 2010

What Healthy Communities Need from their Transp Networks

The American Public Health Association has announced a series of four webinars in 2011 that focus on the intersection between health and transportation; the program is very timely in that these are issues that more and more are coming the forefront when engaging with diverse stakeholders.  The programs are free to attend.  Here's a brief overview:

Webinar 1: Community Health and Transportation Planning
January 18, 2011
"Explore unique State and local programs that thoroughly consider health and equity in planning."

Webinar 2: The Health Benefits from Active Transportation
February 15, 2011
"Learn how active transportation improves health across various populations and learn of programs that promote and implement active transportation in their communities."

Webinar 3: Health Impact Assessments (HIAS) in Transportation
March 15, 2011
"The health impact assessment (HIA) is gaining huge momentum as a tool to address the social and environmental determinants of health, particularly on transportation-related projects and policies."

Webinar 4: Preventing Roadway Fatalities and Injuries
April 5, 2011
"Understand the public health professional’s role in roadway safety and learn of innovative programs to prevent roadway fatalities and injuries, in particular for vulnerable populations."

Learn more and register by clicking here
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